Office 365 enterprise users can now broadcast to 10,000 people at once via Skype for Business

Microsoft announced the availability of three technical previews today that form a part of Skype for Business, one of which allows for mass video calling across the Web. Although you’ll…

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Nice feature add-on, but the value will come from the workflow / ease of use / viewer experience.  Let’s see how it goes.

When Does Pervasive Become Invasive?

The key topic at this year’s Cisco Collaboration Summit is VIDEO.  Video on your desk, video in your meeting room, video on your tablet, video on your smart phone, video in your living room, and more.

Wisely so, Cisco is positioning video as one of the elements within a real-time, highly effective communications ecosystem.  For obvious reasons (think bandwidth utilization —> router / switch sales), Cisco’s ongoing message is that video communication is THE way to communicate.  In fact, rumor has it that John Chambers sends video clips to his team in lieu of email.

During one technology demo, Cisco demo’d a function within its Quad solution that automatically brings all available parties from a specific group into a videoconference.  That’s right — if you’re online and “available,” you are immediately dragged into the video session.

In WR’s opinion, this borders on stepping over the line from pervasive to invasive.  If we agree that the “goal” of video / telepresence is to allow people to interact with remote folks as if they were in the same room, the “connect all available folks” is the virtual equivalent of shanghaiing your staff and dragging them into a meeting room.  From the Cisco perspective, a five person VC session eats more bandwidth than a 2 person session, so this is a winning formula.  However, in the real world such a workflow would not fly.

The message here is that video, like every other business tool, has its place.  However, even in the visual collaboration world, too much of a good thing is still too much.  Ease of use is key … but too easy (think the dreaded reply-all button in your email client) can be an issue too.